2025 Vendors
Browse through the 2025 Midwest Tool Expo / Health & Wellness Expo showbook catalog to see this year’s vendors and event schedule.
Food & Nutrition
A healthy life starts with healthy food. Let’s start your new healthier life with wholesome food. Eating convenient food has become a way of life in this country. It is contributing to obesity, fatigue, diabetes and other illnesses. Many of our Health and Wellness vendors focus on food, nutrition, and supplements.
Living Well
Mind, Body, Soul. We are more than just our thoughts. Our minds need to be nourished with truth, our body needs to be nourished with food and our soul needs to be nourished by our faith. Health and Wellness starts with proper living and proper living starts in the mind.
Essential Oils
You may have been using Essential Oils aromatherapy, but did you know they also act as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, pain relievers, anxiety, depression. Health and Wellness does not depend on life time dependency on pharmaceutical products. We have a number of oilers ready to help you discover an alternative.
Not only will you find products that will help you in your walk to Health & Wellness you will find other like-minded people to speak with and walk along side you in your journey. Fellowship is important to so many of the aspects of our lives that affect our health. Come for you health, leave with a new friend or two.
We hope to see you this year and next!
Happy Expo.